قائمة/جدول: BL OR 10578E.28

قائمة/جدول BL OR 10578E.28



Recto: List in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Headed "pilgrimages / pilgrimage sites" (al-ziyār[āt]). Mentions 'the house' of our master Daniel; רב זעירי and רב מרונ . . .; then Rav Yiṣḥaq and al-Sayyid Barukh; then Yosef [...]; then Rav Yiṣḥaq and a location (פי בא . . ס - Bāniyās?); then "the ten" (אלעשרה); Yosef סגד(?); Rav Zavid in al-Nuʿmāniyy[a]; then the word "synagogues" (kanāʾis). Finally, the words at the bottom are difficult to read but include "qatīʿa" (same as iqtāʿ?), "document" (wathīqa), and a reference to Wāsiṭ, maybe "al-Wāsiṭiyyīn." ASE Verso: Poetry in Judaeo-Arabic with some Hebrew words intermixed. Dated: 1542 Seleucid = 1230/31 CE.