نصّ غير أدبيّ: T-S 8K10
نصّ غير أدبيّ T-S 8K10العلامات
Leaves from the ‘Egyptian Scroll’ (Megillat Miṣrayim), a poetic narrative that was read out in the synagogue to commemorate and give thanks for freedom from oppression in the year 1012 CE. A public disturbance at a Jewish funeral procession provoked violence, mass arrests followed, and a Fusṭāṭ judge sentenced 23 members of the Jewish community to death. As was their right under Islamic law the leaders of the Jewish community appealed directly to the Caliph al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh in Cairo. He declared that the Muslim witnesses had lied and released the condemned Jews. The probable author of the 'scroll', the Hebrew poet Shemuel ha-Shelishi b. Hoshaʿna, is mentioned on leaf 4v, since he was also one of the prisoners. Leaf 1 of the codex contains morning benedictions and is in a different hand to the other leaves. Its vocalisation has also been added secondarily. Leaf 2 should come between leaves 6 and 7. There are leaves missing between leaves 3 and 4 and possibly also between 5 and 6. (Information from CUDL.)