نصوص أدبيّة: T-S AS 167.65 + T-S NS 164.26 + T-S NS 298.57

نصوص أدبيّة T-S AS 167.65 + T-S NS 164.26 + T-S NS 298.57


T-S AS 167.65 is a Judaeo-Arabic version of Judas's betrayal of Jesus and Jesus's humiliation (e.g., אלהואן אלצאיל) and his imprisonment, mentioning "those who were imprisoned with him." From Toldot Yeshu, as the handwriting matches T-S NS 164.26 + T-S NS 298.57, discussed by Miriam Goldstein in "A Judeo-Arabic Parody of the Life of Jesus" (2023) and https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/genizah-fragments/posts/qa-wednesday-toledot-yeshu-insult-or-entertainment-miriam-goldstein. ASE
