وثيقة رسميّة: T-S AS 177.314
وثيقة رسميّة T-S AS 177.314العلامات
State document, in Arabic script. Maybe be an investiture but could be a fragment of a petition (...wa-tadbīr umūrihā...). On verso there is one line in very large Arabic script with the word "al-dawāwīn" (a rescript for the petition on recto?).
Edition: Umrethwala, Yusuf
T-S AS 177.314 recto
النصوص المفرّغة
Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).Recto
- وموسى بن ..[
- التي ارسال الديوا[ن
- وتدبير امورها وتميز عـ[
- ليمضيك في ما يتولاه وا[
T-S AS 177.314 verso
- ـ]ـعة الى الديوان من جهة