رسالة: ENA 2806.5

رسالة ENA 2806.5



Letter in Hebrew. The writer is asking from the official (maybe the head of the Jews himself) to support Mevaser ha-Parnas, who claimed that he had an inheritence owed to him from his brother Sedaqa ha-Parnas, being held by Mevorakh. At the bottom of the letter is an addendum saying that the letter was delayed. The writer adds greetings to the head of the yeshiva, Shelomo Gaon. ENA 2806.5–7 are copies of letters to Shelomo Gaʾon and his son Maṣliaḥ.

ENA 2806.5 1


النصوص المفرّغة


ENA 2806.5 2

بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA 2806.5: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL)