وثيقة رسميّة: ENA 2886.1–7
وثيقة رسميّة ENA 2886.1–7الوصف
Fiscal register (compare BL OR 5566B.3 and the other shelfmarks cited there). Cut up into (at least) seven pieces and reused to form a booklet containing Hebrew poetry (the payyetan whom Tova Beeri studied) and Judaeo-Arabic halakhic discussions in a different hand, citing Sayyidnā al-Nagid who said that Rabbenu Nissim taught him that the term הולכך is from הואיל וכך; the hand may be known). Different sections are headed by the day of the week and date within the month, but the actual months and years are not specified. For example, ENA 2886.2 has three entries are preserved: "Payment (dafʿa): 1 dinar. Payment: 1 dinar. Payment: [...] and 1/8 dinar (wa-thumn dīnār)."