وثيقة رسميّة: ENA NS 24.10
وثيقة رسميّة ENA NS 24.10العلامات
Fragment of correspondence in Arabic script, chancery hand, possibly an official report. The ends of four lines are preserved. Reused between the lines and on recto for piyyuṭ. Legible phrases: سعده الله بصحبته والكون في جملته . . . والاحوال ببركة مولانا وسيدنا صلوات الله [عليه] . . . لمشكور بجميل الصنع فيه . . . خرج عبد(؟) مولانا . . . . تهيأ(؟) خروجه. A tentative interpretation is as follows: The sender expresses his privilege of existing in the Caliph's(?) reign (saʿda Allahu bi-ṣuḥbatihi wa l-kaun fī jumlatihi), reports glad tidings (wa l-aḥwāl bi barakat Maulana wa-Sayyīdina ṣalawāt Allah ʿalayhi), and expresses his gratitude (la-mashkūr jamīl al-ṣunʿ fīhi). He also reports traveling to a place (wa kharaja ʿabd Maulānā).