منحة في وثيقة رسميّة: T-S 13J8.27
وثيقة رسميّة T-S 13J8.27- الاقتباس المرجعي
- Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
- Location in source
- Doc. 113
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
- الترجمة
- الطبعة
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S 13J8.27 stitched (v)

- [ ] ولما وصل الارتفاع المتوج بالعلامة ا[لشريفة ]
- [ ] على ظهر كتاب متولى الترتيب ابتهلوا الماشائين [ ]
- [ الاد ]عية الصالحة بدوام هذه الايام [ الزاهرة ]
- [ ] .. فيهم متقبلة المملوك يجدد تقبي[ل الارض وينهى ان ]
- [ مـ]ـتولى الحكم العزيز بمدينة ابيار عبد متولية بالمجلـ[ـس العالى ]
- [ ينـ]ـهى قضية حال الرقعة ومن رفعها مشافاة [ ]
- [ ]وقد سيروا جماعة المشائين رقعة للمجلس [ العالى ]
- [ التـ]ـوقيع العالى الحاف[ظ]ى [لايزا]ل نافذًا ماضيا عليها [ ]
- [ والمملو]ك يجدد تقبيل الارض وينهى ان الاعمال [ ]
- [ ] هذه من المن والطم{ن}انية وتردد المسافرين [ ]
- [ ] المملوك يواصل التطاوف السرايا لتامينها [ ]
- [ ] المفسدين اوقع به الحوطة وحزم به المادة [ ]
- [ ]ة وبسط المعدلة وذلك بحميد راى مالك رقة [ ]
- [ وال]مملوك يجدد تقبيل الارض وينهى ان القلم الشريف [ ]
- [ ]فى هذه السنة وتشريقها وان الجارى المنعم به [ ]
- [ م]ا يحتاجه لمن هو في عليته وهو يسل [ويتضرع فى ]
- [ خروج التوقيـ]ـع العالى زاده الله شرفًا ونفاذا بمسامحته [ ]
- [ ع]لى ظهر رقعته المسيرة ثنى خدمته [ ]
- [ انعاما عليه وا]حسانا اليه
- [ولمولانا الراى العالى فى ذلك] ان شا الله
- [الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد نبيه وسلم تسـ]ـليما
[ ] When the gross receipts headed with the [noble] motto arrived [ ]
[ ] on the verso of the document of the director of stipends, the footsoldierssupplicated [ ]
[ ] pious prayers for the continuation of these [glorious] days [ ]
[ ] among them its recipient. The slave kisses the [ground] again [and reports tha]t [ ]
[ ] the administrator of the mighty law in the town of ’Abyār, the servant of its administrator in the presence of the [exalted] seat [ ]
[ ] reports the case of his petition and he who submits it orally [ ]
[ ] the community of footsoldiers have sent a petition to the [exalted] seat [ ]
[ ] the exalted rescript of al-Ḥāfiẓ (written) on it is still valid and in force [ ]
the slave] kisses the ground again and reports that the province [ ]
[ ] this [ ] of security, tranquillity and the frequenting of travellers [ ]
[ ] the slave is continuing to patrol with troops to make it secure [ ]
[ ] the brigands, he put it on alert and laid in supplies [ ]
[ ] and extended justice, this was the praiseworthy decision of his master
[ ] The slave kisses the ground again and reports that the noble pen [ ]
[ ] in this year and its glory, and that the stipend that has been bestowedupon him [ ]
[ ] what he needs for the members of his family. He [humbly] requests
[the issuing] of the exalted [rescript], may God increase its nobility and efficacy,(giving instructions) for his lenient treatment [ ]
[ ] on the back of his petition, which has been sent enclosed with his report [ ]
[as a favour for him and] a kindly act
[To my master belongs the exalted resolution in that], if God wills.
[Praise be to God alone, his benedictions be upon our lord Muḥammad, his prophet, and] save him.
T-S 13J8.27 2v

T-S 13J8.27 1v

T-S 13J8.27 stitched layers (v)

T-S 13J8.27 stitched (r)

T-S 13J8.27 1r

T-S 13J8.27 2r

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