رسالة: Moss. IV,13

رسالة Moss. IV,13

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  • 1 Transcription
  • 1 Translation


Verso: Autograph note from Moshe Maimonides to al-Shaykh al-Wathīq. In Judaeo-Arabic. Informing him that there will be a gathering of the elders on Shabbat and warning him not to be late. He says that the addressee's note arrived but was too wet to read.


النصوص المفرّغة

Moss. IV,13 1v

J. Kraemer, "Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Geniza," in Maimonidean Studies (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1992), 2:61-94.
  1. תדכל חצרה אלשיך אלותיק שצ
  2. ליקע אלאגתמאע בהא אדא
  3. פי יום אלסבת במחצר אלשיוך
  4. ויקרר מא ינעמל ושלומה
  5. ירבה ואמא רקעתהא
  6. פמא וצלת אלא מבלולה
  7. בללא לא ימכן מעה קראתה


  1. ולא תתאכר כאצה ושלום
J. Kraemer, "Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Geniza," in Maimonidean Studies (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1992), 2:61-94.
  1. Would the Shaykh al-Watīq, may God preserve him, enter (the town)
  2. so that the meeting may be convened with him
  3. on the Sabbath in the presence of the elders,
  4. and it will be decided what is to be done. And may his welfare
  5. increase! As for his note,
  6. it arrived too wet
  7. to be read.


  1. It is particularly important that you not come late. Greetings.

Moss. IV,13 1r

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