نصوص أدبيّة: JRL Gaster heb. ms 2110b/17
نصوص أدبيّة JRL Gaster heb. ms 2110b/17الوصف
Bifolium from Kitāb Tawārīkh Mukhtaṣar Yunabbi'u ʿan Mamālik wa-Bilād ʿAdīda. Printed in Malta by the Church Missionary Society in 1833 CE. The faces of the people in the frontispiece have been scratched out. On the background of Arabic printing in Malta and the Church Missionary Society, see Geoffrey J. Roper, "Arabic Printing in Malta 1825–45" (PhD Diss, University of Durham, 1988). Scans of the full book may be readily found online, e.g., https://archive.org/details/1164pdf2228/page/n137/mode/2up.