ثيقة شرعيّة: BL OR 12292.29

ثيقة شرعيّة BL OR 12292.29



Testimony or narrative about events in Florence (פירנצה). Dated: 17 Tevet 5609 AM (January 1849). A man who was known as an impious alcoholic fell ill and began screaming, while covering his face, "Save me from these cruel ones who want to eat my flesh! Save me from the evil host that wants to swallow me!" People came running to help, asking, "What do you want?" He marveled that they could not see the hosts of מ״ח(?) that were coming to torture him. He begged them to bring a man to recite Psalms to protect him from this fate, and they did so. The text ends abruptly here. The handwriting is similar to that of JRL SERIES G 54.