رسالة: ENA NS 63.13

رسالة ENA NS 63.13



Letter from "Sāsī" to R. D[...]. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: After 1517 CE (uses the term 'basha' twice), but not long after (Avraham Castro appears in the letter). Dealing with business matters. Complaining about someone who mistreated the writer. Mentions Avraham Castro; Ibrāhīm al-Kalaḥ; Mūsā Ḥaqqān. Mentions taxes incumbent on "all who arrive from Hind and Sind and the lands of the Arabs," more than the tithe (ʿushr).

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النصوص المفرّغة


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بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA NS 63.13: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain