ثيقة شرعيّة: Yevr.-Arab. I 1700.19

ثيقة شرعيّة Yevr.-Arab. I 1700.19


Legal record (#47 and 48). Liquidation of a dowry. This record belongs with #49 on the facing page. The family is Qaraite. The father is selling off items from the dowry of his wife, Sitt al-Dār ("he said that he sold all these things with her consent"). The records #47 and #48 enumerate the items that have gone to their daughter Sitt al-Karam from her mother's dowry. The first entry has many items crossed out. Underneath, there appears the word "Qaraites" and a clean copy of the same record as above, with no cross-outs or corrections. Witnesses: Elʿazar b. Shemarya; Yosef b. Ḥalfon. These men may be Qaraites; they do not appears as witnesses elsewhere in the extant pages of the notebook. (Information from Goitein's notes.)