نصوص أدبيّة: ENA 2713.17 + ENA 2815.8 + ENA 2948.10
نصوص أدبيّة ENA 2713.17 + ENA 2815.8 + ENA 2948.10What's in the PGP
- صورة
Medical recipes and remedies in Ladino. The first recipe on the recto is for "tremor of the hands/ el temlor delas manos" (l. 1r) and the final section of the page is dedicated to an issue related to the mouth aches of infants "para una kiriyatura qe___[?] mal de boka" (l.18-19r). This latter phrase could be a reference to the pain associated with teething. One ingredient in use for the tremor of the hands is "olive oil/אזייטי די אוליבה" (l. 5r) and usage of a "magnet / קאלאמיטה" is also mentioned (l.2r). For the mouth aches of infants, the recipe mentions "leche/ ליג׳י". Among the other ingredients listed for the recipes on the recto are "white pepper/pimyenta bilanca" (l.9-10r) and "cinnamon/kanela" (l.10r). On the verso, olive oil is mentioned again as recipe ingredient (l.3v). MCD. For a full transcription of this fragment see Idan Perez's in FGP.
ENA 2713.17 recto

ENA 2713.17 verso

ENA 2815.8 recto

ENA 2815.8 verso

ENA 2948.10 recto

ENA 2948.10 verso