ثيقة شرعيّة: AIU VII.D.56

ثيقة شرعيّة AIU VII.D.56



Recto: Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated March 1819 CE (last third of Adar 5579 AM), in which Yiṣḥaq Zamiro acknowledges receipt of an investment of 9000 muayyadis (silver half-dirhams) from Ḥabība the widow of Moshe Zakkai. The document details how he is to use Ḥabība's investment and how they will divide the profits. Verso: In the same (or very similar) hand, a eulogy for a deceased woman and some neat accounts partially in Judaeo-Arabic. Diamonds and Yaʿaqov al-Marankātī (?) are mentioned.