رسالة: T-S 6J4.30
رسالة T-S 6J4.30What's in the PGP
- صورة
Notebook. On fol. 4r there is a draft a begging letter to Yaʿaqov ha-Sar, in an untidy 15th-16th century hand. The writer describes himself as ‘still sick and helpless’. The letter is prefaced with ליקי = לישועתך קויתי יי. Jottings and pen trials on ff. 1r, 2r, 3r, and 5r. (Information in part from CUDL)
النصوص المفرّغة
T-S 6J4.30 1r

T-S 6J4.30 1v

T-S 6J4.30 2r

T-S 6J4.30 2v

T-S 6J4.30 3r

T-S 6J4.30 3v

T-S 6J4.30 4r

T-S 6J4.30 4v

T-S 6J4.30 5r

T-S 6J4.30 5v

T-S 6J4.30 6r

T-S 6J4.30 6v