رسالة: T-S 8.91

رسالة T-S 8.91


Top four lines of an official-sounding letter in Arabic script. Might be a draft. Dating: Maybe 13th or 14th century. Begins: "Uṣdirat/aṣdartu hādhihi l-[...] ilā al-majlis al-sāmī.... al-ajallī al-mawlawī... al-makhdūmī... al-sayyidī al-sanadī... al-Badrī...." The addressee is probably titled something like Badr al-Dīn or in the service of one. On recto there is a ketubba (see separate entry). (Information in part from CUDL)

T-S 8.91 1v


النصوص المفرّغة


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بيان أذونات الصورة
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