رسالة: JRL SERIES B 6391
رسالة JRL SERIES B 6391What's in the PGP
- صورة
Four letter fragments in Judaeo-Arabic. At least two of them (fols. 1 and 4) are probably from the same letter, but the other two fragments are in different hands. They were all cut into the same shape so presumably were stacked or folded on top of each other. Fols. 1 and 4: Mentions that all that somebody acquired in Fustat/Egypt was stolen; also mentions Alexandria and a Megilla. Dating: maybe 13th century [AA]. Fol. 2: Only the first few words are preserved. Fol. 3: Seems to be addressed to two people (דאם עזכמא), one of whom is Abū Naṣr b. Elishaʿ, known from the India Book IV documents from the mid-12th century. On verso part of an address is preserved: יצל אלי חצרה מו[לאי . . .] החכם הנבון המופלא . . . .
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