ثيقة شرعيّة: Yevr.-Arab. II 878

ثيقة شرعيّة Yevr.-Arab. II 878



Legal document related to a divorce. Dated: Thursday 12 Tammuz 5537 AM, which is 1777 CE. Husband: Raḥamim Levi Ḥazzan b. Naḥum Levi Qayyim. Wife: Qamr bt. Seʿadya Levi Qayyim. The grounds for divorce: She is wicked and vulgar (לאנהא רשעה קלילת אלאדב). He claims, and his neighbors attest, that she does not speak to him or respect him but only insults him and curses his ancestors. This is not the way of respectable Jewish women, but rather the way of the women who are fājirāt, al-khārijāt ʿan ṭarīq al-ḥaqq. Because the court accepts this testimony, she will not receive the delayed marriage payment. On verso there are piyyutim.