ثيقة شرعيّة: Yevr. II A 1256
ثيقة شرعيّة Yevr. II A 1256العلامات
Qaraite legal documents, one each on recto and verso. Both are from "the capital" Constantinople, both are signed by Yaʿaqov b. Yosef Ashkenazi and Yosef b. Elʿazar, and both are dated Monday, 6 Adar 5284 AM (70+9+200+5= [5]284) = 7 February 1524 CE. The year is listed alphanumerically as ע׳ט׳ר׳ה.Both involve Avraham b. Yaʿaqov ha-Levi known as Nushu(?) and ʿOvadya ʿAbd al-Ghaffār b. Avraham known as Kazarūnī. On recto: Avraham gives ʿOvadya the rights to the quarter of a house which he owns in Fustat/Cairo, in Darb al-Saqāliba, known as the house of Abū Shaʿra. This is by way of repaying the debt he owes. This is under the condition that if the sons of Elʿazar/Naṣrallāh want to buy this quarter-house they will pay 100 peraḥim to the sister of ʿOvadya, unless someone else is willing to offer over 100 peraḥim for the property. (The document goes on for a while after this.) On verso: A bill of release, in which ʿOvadya releases Avraham from the debt.