وثيقة رسميّة: Moss. IV,21.3
وثيقة رسميّة Moss. IV,21.3What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Recto: Petition draft in Judaeo-Arabic. Abū ʿAlī b. Abū l-[ʿIzz al-Yahūdī] kisses the ground before al-maqām al-ʿālī al-sulṭānī al-malikī al-sayfī al-ʿādilī, and reports that he is a poor man and cannot pay even his own capitation tax (al-qiyām bi-l-jāliya) except through the charity of others. He has a brother who owes the capitation tax, and he insists that he is not a guarantor (laysa bi-ḍāmin lahu wa-lā kafīl) for him. He asks for the issuing of a rescript (khurūj al-tawqīʿ) confirming that he should only be liable for his own capitation tax. Verso: Draft of the same petition, it appears, in Arabic script.
النصوص المفرّغة
Editors: Umrethwala, Yusuf; Elbaum, Alan
Translator: Umrethwala, Yusuf (in English)
Moss. IV,21.3 recto

Yusuf Umrethwala and Alan Elbaum, unpublished translations (n.p., 2023).
- אלממלוך אבו עלי אבן אבי אלעז
- יקבל אלארץ באלמקאם אלעאלי אלסלטאני
- אלמלכי אלסיפי אלעאדלי כלד אללה מלכה
- וינהי אנה רגל פקיר לא יקדר עלי אלקיאם
- בגאליתה אלא מן צדקאת אלנאס ולה אך
- וקד תסחב (=תחסב?) ואלממלוך ליס בטאמן לה
- ולא כפיל והו יסאל מן אלמראחם כרוג
- אתלוקיע אלעאל בחמלה עלי אלעדל
- ואלשרע פי אן לא יטלב אלא בגאליה
- נפסה פקד הלך מן אלכבי ואלגוע ואלראי
- אעלא אן שא אללה תע
Yusuf Umrethwala, unpublished translations (n.p., 2023).
- The slave Abū ʿAlī b. Abī l-ʿIzz
- Kisses the ground in the elated, mighty,
- powerful, brave, and just presence [of al-ʿĀdil] may God perpetuate his reign
- and he conveys that he is a poor man who cannot afford
- to pay his capitation tax except with the charity of others and he has…
- …….the slave doesn’t have a guarantor
- or a mentor, and he asks from [your] benefaction the issuance
- of the noble decree that adjudicates him with justice
- and law, and that he is not demanded except his capitation tax
- Indeed, he has perished because of hiding and hunger. And the lofty
- resolution, God willing.