وثيقة رسميّة: T-S NS 170.38g + T-S NS 170.38f + T-S NS 170.38a + T-S NS 170.38d

وثيقة رسميّة T-S NS 170.38g + T-S NS 170.38f + T-S NS 170.38a + T-S NS 170.38d



Fragments of a state document, probably an internal correspondence addressed to a Fatimid caliph. In an Arabic chancery script. Has remnants of a ray clause "wa li-mawlānā ṣalawāt Allah ʿalayhi", and the name of a state official: al-amīr al-muntakhab Naṣr al-Mulk Fāʾiz(?) al-Dawla. Reused for a Judaeo-Arabic responsum according to Brody.