قائمة/جدول: T-S Misc.10.82

قائمة/جدول T-S Misc.10.82


Verso: A donations or alms list. Names in Judaeo-Arabic including: Majd, Manṣūr, Abū ʿAlī, Fāḍil, Yosef, the children of Nufayʿ, Yosef al-Aqraʿ, Munajjā, Abū l-Bayān, and Bahāʾ. Underneath each there are corresponding quantities in Greek/Coptic numerals. Recto contains several more names and numbers, in Arabic script (Bū Isḥāq, Mūsā, Abū l-Munā, Makārim, Bū Naṣr). Also contains Nehemiah 9:6 and the opening of a petition or report in Arabic script (al-mamālīk yunhū....).