ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S K25.132
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S K25.132الوصف
Legal documents. Two fragments, both torn and fragmentary, under one shelfmark. 1 recto is a ketubba signed by [...] b. Avraham, Ghālib b. Ḥasan, Ṣedaqa b. Hasan, Khalaf b. Barikh, ʿUthmān b. Hudhayl (or Hadhal? See Friedman, JMP, II, 429). 2 recto Is the dowry list of the ketubba in fol. 1, probably torn from the upper part of the leaf. On the verso of both leaves is biblical exegesis (Leviticus Behar 25:14–16; data from FGP by Ephraim Ben-Porat).