وثيقة رسميّة: T-S Ar.35.139

وثيقة رسميّة T-S Ar.35.139


State document(s). The main text on recto includes a name (Muḥammad... ʿAbdallāh...) and many fancy titles (sulṭān... al-imām... sanāʾ al-mulk.. fakhr... naṣr al-mamlaka... al-faḍāʾil sayyid...). At the top there are multiple registration and administrative notes. One begins "Yuqābal..." ("let comparison with it be made"). Underneath there is a note indicating that the instruction has been completed: "Qūbila...." For other documents with a "yuqābal" note, see ENA 3918.11, T-S AS 177.472, and the second document edited by Richards in "A Mamlūk Petition and a Report from the Dīwān al-Jaysh" (https://www.jstor.org/stable/615818#metadata_info_tab_contents).