رسالة: T-S Ar.13.15
رسالة T-S Ar.13.15الوصف
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely ca. 12th–14th century. "When the letter arrived which you sent with the wife of my maternal uncle to Ibn Ṣaghīr al-Ḥakīm (the physician), I came to him, and he read it after kissing it... in the night, when I was sick from the severe headache, and I had convulsions (or 'went mad'? inṣaraʿtu) from the evening onward." He or she mentions this in the context of reading the addressee's letter, so it is possible that the inṣirāʿ is meant to indicate a reaction to whatever news was in the letter. The continuation is tricky to understand. Refers repeatedly to someone called al-Saʿīd and discusses the waste disposal (ramy al-turāb) of a certain apartment (al-qāʿa). On verso mentions the house of Sayf al-Dīn al-Rūmī.