ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S 12.701

ثيقة شرعيّة T-S 12.701


Bottom of a legal document, probably a prenuptial agreement. Party issuing: Abū ʿAlī(?) b. Abū l-Faḍl. Written by Mevorakh b. Natan (1150–81) (a prior PGP description also said "written by Natan b. Shemuel"). Signed by Berakhot b. Shela ha-Kohen, Mevorakh b. Sar-Shalom. Attested by the Bet Din and signed by Menaḥem b. Berakhot, Yaʿ[aqov] b. Yosef, and Hillel b. [...]. Reused on verso for an unrelated text in Judaeo-Arabic consisting of ethical advice for pursuing good and avoiding evil. AA/ASE
