ثيقة شرعيّة: CUL Or.1080 J164

ثيقة شرعيّة CUL Or.1080 J164



Legal document regarding the inheritance of the late David Ṣanuaʿ. In Hebrew. Location: Cairo. Dated: End of Sivan 5524 AM = June 1764 CE. Among the surviving relatives are: Avraham Ṣanuaʿ (the eldest son) and his widow Ḥavīva bt. Moshe Zayn, whose ketubba is valued at 2,000 gold maḥbūb. Based on the manner in which Avraham Ṣanuaʿ and Ḥavīva bt. Moshe Zayn are referenced, it seems she was not his mother because he is referenced as: "בנו הגדול ה׳׳ר אברהם צנוע יצ׳׳ו מאשה אחרת". Therefore, it seems likely that David Ṣanuaʿ was a widower who had a second marriage to Ḥavīva .The deed has two elaborate signatures: the one on the right may be Yahuda[?] _____a[?] and the left reads clearly as Avraham Tornaqa. MCD.