رسالة: BL OR 8660.1
رسالة BL OR 8660.1الوصف
Letter from Bu Nasr b. Ibrahim to Abu l-Rabi' Sulayman ha-Kohen b. Abu Zikri Kohen, Fustat, the square of the perfumers. Bu Nasr is irked that his preceding letters to Abu l-Rabi' or to Abu l-Fakhr never arrived, otherwise they would have known that Abu l-Fakhr was to pay Abu l-Rabi' 6 1/3 dinars (this seems most the most likely interpretation of "he should pay him" but the pronouns are not clear). He then turns to a situation with a certain Moshe, who is the one who brought the letter of Abu l-Rabi' and insisted that Bu Nasr entrust him with goods for delivery. Bu Nasr is irked by this too, because he had no way of knowing that Moshe was trustworthy, moreoever Moshe's manners were those of a boor and an ignoramus. He then briefly discusses the matter of a turban. A letter to "al-Kohen al-Siqilli" is mentioned. ASE.