رسالة: BL OR 5566D.19
رسالة BL OR 5566D.19الوصف
An official order/letter from the head of the Jewish community or a high-placed dignitary. The main document is in Judaeo-Arabic, and the message is repeated underneath in Hebrew. Dating: Perhaps 14th–16th century; this can likely be narrowed further. It is addressed to the members of money-related trades, including the moneychangers and qubbāḍ and ʿaddādīn. They are commanded to cooperate in all respects with the party of the amir Muṣṭafā b. Masīḥ, with regard to "whichever kinds he wants, small or great.... For we are among his servants (khuddām)." A stern warning against disobeying the order is repeated several times. The postscript in Hebrew elaborates on the message. "Be very careful and ensure that no one takes even a penny from them, neither Amīn nor anyone else... even if you repay it from the funds of the dīwān, therefore you must be careful." Each section is signed (by the same person), and there is a fairly vivid stamp in which the name Sulaymān is legible. ASE