وثيقة رسميّة: T-S Ar.29.186
وثيقة رسميّة T-S Ar.29.186What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Petition to a Fatimid vizier regarding the repayment of a debt. The petitioner asks for help in dealing with the head of the arsenal, Abū l-Aʿsar, who is claiming the repayment of a debt that the petitioner had never contracted. Dating: middle of the 12th century. On verso there is a calendrical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic, dealing with the number of days in the different types of years of the Hebrew calendar and the length of the day in hours and parts (חלקים). (Information from Khan and CUDL.)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.29.186 1v
يعرف با[ـبـ]ـي [ا]لاعسر ريس الصناعة و[ ]
بين المملوك وبينه معاملة ولا عليه حسـ[ـا]ـب ولا جبة ضمان ولا كفالة
وأن الريس المذكور ضيق على المملوك وطالبه عن اخيه بما لا يلزمه
وخوفه بالغرامة ورسم بالمملوك من قبله وتقاوي بقوة يده وجاهه
والعدل يمنع من ظلمه واخذه عن غيره بما لا يلـ[ـزمه والمملوك يسل]
الانعام عليه بخرج التوقيع العـ[ـالى بازالة]
الاعتراض عن المملوك فلا يوخذ [عنه ]
وحمله على قضية العدل واقرار التوقيع بيد[ـه ]
وللمجلس الراى العالى فى ذلك ان شا الله تعالى
الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على محمد وسلم
- ... known as 'Abū al-'A'sār, the head of the arsenal and [ there have been no] dealings
- between him and the slave, he is not in debt, nor does he owe a deposit or a surety,
- but the aforementioned head oppressed the slave and demanded from him something that was owed by his brother but that he himself had no obligation to pay.
- He threatened him with a penalty and issued a tarsīm against the slave on his behalf and intimidated (him) with his strength and high office.
- Justice should prevent his unlawful action and his taking from other people what they have no [obligation to pay. The slave requests]
- a kindness to be done to him by the issuing of an exalted rescript [ to remove]
- the oppressive treatment from the slave in order that [ ] is not taken from [him,]
- to treat his case with justice and to deposit the rescript in his hand [ ]
- To the seat belongs the exalted resolution regarding that, if God, the exalted, wills.
- Praise be to God alone, his benedictions be upon Mupammad and save him.