رسالة: T-S AS 153.206
رسالة T-S AS 153.206What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
Official letter from the office of one of the later Maimonidean Nagids, with a motto (ʿalāma) at the top. The cantor Faraj is instructed to look after the bearer, Yom Ṭov, who is blind and poor, by arranging a collection for him and his family in the synagogue. (Information in part from CUDL.)
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Arad, Dotan
T-S AS 153.206 1r
Dotan Arad, "The Mustaʿrib Jews in Syria, Palestine and Egypt: 1330-1700" (in Hebrew) (PhD diss., PhD Dissertation. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem., 2013).
- [העלאמה של הנגיד]
- אלשיך פרג'אל אלחזן הי"ב יתוצא בחאמלהא
- אלשיך ר' יום טוב ותג'בי לה פי בית הכנסת
- באנה מצ'רור ואהל ביתה צעיפין ולא
- ת^כליה יני אלא והו דאע^י לכם וללקהל
- ושלום