رسالة: T-S 10J16.20
رسالة T-S 10J16.20What's in the PGP
- صورة
Letter. Commercial letter from Murjī to his son, Meʾir b. Murjī, listing repayments from various individuals, including Moses [...] and David [...]. Address on verso. (Information from CUDL). There is also a note from the letter writer in the lower left corner mentioning Ḥayyīm Shababo[?]. The address lists Meʾir b. Murjī with the honorific "the excellent judge." The letter was sent from Rashid (Rosetta) to Dimyāṭ (Damietta).
النصوص المفرّغة
T-S 10J16.20 1r

T-S 10J16.20 1v