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2,022 total results

  1. 2001

    State documentT-S H5.11

    End of a decree with ḥamdala and ḥasbala in large letters (2 cm alif), recycled into a Jewish prayerbook with five bifolios. At least three …

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  2. 2002

    State documentT-S Ar.34.246

    Report or petition. The ends of 5 lines are preserved. Twice mentions the Berbers (البربر) who are in the area of Abshīsh (ابشيش) in the …

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  3. 2003

    State documentENA 3967.10

    Tax receipt, Fatimid for the sum of one-quarter dīnār (rubʿ)? Registration mark at the top left corner- al-ḥamdu lil-lāh shukran li niʿmatihi.

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    • verso
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  4. 2004

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 239

    Official receipt of some kind. Very difficult to read.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  5. 2005

    State documentT-S AS 182.312

    Capitation tax receipt for Mūsā b. Futūḥ al-Yahūdī in Alexandria. Same cluster: T-S AS 178.69 (PGPID 36898) T-S AS 180.22 (PGPID 37373) T-S AS 182.312 …

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  6. 2006

    State documentBL OR 5565B.11

    Ḥamdala and ṣalwala from the bottom of a state document. Reused for Judaeo-Arabic calendrical text.

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  7. 2007

    State documentENA 3967.2

    Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration mark - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh l-mutqin li-mā (badaʿ?)

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    • recto
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  8. 2008

    State documentT-S AS 177.105

    Receipt ("tadhkira bism...") for the capitation tax of Maʿrūf b. Yahūdhā al-Yahūdī, an indigo merchant (nīlī) and perfumer (ʿattār), in Fustat. The registration mark / …

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  9. 2009

    State documentT-S NS 192.3

    Tax receipt? For [...] al-Yahūdī. Sum: 1/6 dinar. Needs examination.

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  10. 2010

    State documentNLI 577.1/59

    Upper left fragment: Official correspondence in Arabic script. The document is probably written for a recent convert to Islam from Samṭā (on the Nile delta). …

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  11. 2011

    State documentT-S NS 285.106

    Official document in Arabic script. Apparently dealing with witnesses and legal procedure. Fragments of two lines are preserved: ... fa-asqaṭahu min al-shahāda... min shuhūd al-bilād …

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  12. 2012

    State documentMoss. IV,144.2

    Fragment of a fiscal document in Arabic script. Needs examination. Reused for piyyuṭ.

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  13. 2013

    State documentT-S AS 178.45

    Small fragment of an official (state-related) letter of praise/recommendation for somebody. Two lines are preserved.

    1. واقواله محمولا في تصرفاته
    2. باذلا نفسه في مصالحنا وقد

    1 Transcription

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  14. 2014

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 286

    Bottom of a tax receipt from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, written by Mīkhāʾil b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  15. 2015

    State documentPUL Garrett Additional 20.21

    Petition (formula: al-mamlūk yuqabbil al-yad al-ʿāliya), 1106H (?)

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  16. 2016

    State documentT-S H5.129

    Petition to an Ayyubid sultan, possibly Al-ʿĀdil I (13th century), opening only. On verso there is a piyyuṭ, possibly for Yom Kippur. (Information from Khan …


    1. …….
    2. [    ا]لهمام ناصر الاسلام غياث الانام سيف المومنين سلطان جيوش المسلمين 

    3. خليل امير المومنين وادام قدرته واعلى ابدا كلمته وانفذ احكامه

    1.     …..

    2. [ ] the heroic, the helper of Islam, the succour of mankind, sword of the believers, sultan of the armies of the Muslims,

    3. the friend of…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


    • 1v
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  17. 2017

    State documentT-S Misc.29.9 + T-S Misc.29.2

    Decree or petition. Portions of two lines are preserved, mentioning Yaḥyā b. Muḥammad b. [...], and a version of a raʾy clause: mā yarāhu …

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  18. 2018

    State documentT-S K10.21

    Two lines of a state document in an elegant scribal hand. Medieval-era. The first line includes the title "امير المؤمينين". Requires further examination.

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  19. 2019

    State documentT-S AS 178.262

    Official-looking account. Needs examination.

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  20. 2020

    State documentT-S NS 111.154

    Unidentified state document in Arabic script. The beginnings of ~6 lines are preserved. Reused for Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic liturgical text. Needs examination.

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  21. 2021

    State documentT-S AS 133.111

    Fiscal order requesting the registration of an expenditure (?) in the Fatimid dīwān al-majlis (privy council). Written in five (?) different hands, reflecting a complex …

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


    • 1r
    • 1r
    • 1
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  22. 2022

    State documentT-S K25.263

    State document, fragment, in Arabic script. Six lines are preserved, wide space between the lines. Might be a draft, since there are words crossed out …

    1. عبد عبيدها ويبدو والقسم وجزيل العطا والنعم

    2. فما ينفك عن عبد خلص ولاوه وحسن تلاوة وانعقدت على

    3. المسابغة عقايده واراوه وتقلب في الطاعة بين سلف

    4. مش…

    1 Transcription


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