Scholarship on Legal document: CUL Or.1080 J137
Legal document CUL Or.1080 J137- Bibliographic citation
- Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, India Book vol. 6 (unpublished) (in Hebrew).
- Location in source
- ו46
- Relation to document
- Edition
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Discussion
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Edition
Editor: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip
Translator: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip (in English)
CUL Or.1080 J137 1r

Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
- ש]נת אלפא וחמש מאה ועשרין ושבע[ שנין לשטרות בפסטאט מצרים דעל נילוס נהרא
- [מו]תבה רשותיה דאדוננו נגידנו אב[רהם הרב המובהק הפטיש החזק נר
- [המע]רבי דגל הרבנים יחיד הדור ופלאו [ממזרח][ שמש עד מבואו הנגיד
- הגדול נגי][ד] עם ייי צבאות ירום הודו ויגדל כבודו חצר [אלינא ..........]
- [ע]מארן אלאסכנדרי בן אלשיך בו מנצור הזקן[...............]
- [אשה]דו עלי בגמיע אלאלפאט אלמחכמה[ ואלמעאני אלמוכדה ובכל לישאני דזכואתא וכתבו
- [וחת]מו וסלמו דלך ללשיך בו אלמעאלי אל...[...............]
- [ ]מ ור חלפון הלוי הזקן היקר נע ליכ[ון בידה לזכו ולראיה מן אליום
- ומא ב]עדה אנני מעתרף ענדכם אתרפא [תאמא אן ...........]
- [ ].נה מן אלעין אלמצרי אלמחקק אלואזן [אל][גייד ...............]
- דינא]ר עינא מצרייה מתאקילא גיאדא[...............]
- [ת]ורת עסקא עלי חכם אלקראץ וקבלת[ עלי נפסי ..........]
- [ ] ואגתנאב אלכיאנה ולאן אביע פי הדא[ ...............]
- [ ]כה אלי עדן פקט ואנני לא אדכל אלי גהה[ ...............]
- [ ]אלפאידה כאן ביננא חסב מא תצמנה[ ...............]
- [ ]...... לנא איצא אלשיך אבו אלמעאלי[ ...............]
- [ ]........................וסלמת[ ]
Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
- [the y]ear one thousand five hundred and twenty-seven [years (of the Era) of Documents, in Fusṭāṭ Egypt,]
- [si]tuated [on the Nile River,] jurisdiction of our lord, our Nagid Ab[raham, the outstanding Rav, the mighty hammer, light]
- [of the W]est, standard of the Sages, inimitable of the generation and its wonder, from East of the Sun to its West, the great]
- [Nagid] of the people of the Lord of Hosts, may (God) raise up his glory and enhance his honor,
- [‘I]mrān al-Iskandarī b. the Elder Manṣūr the Elder […] came before [us …]
- [“Testi]fy on my behalf using all the appropriate legal formulae and [the expressions of certainty, and all the language of claims, write]
- [and si]gn and give that to the Elder (A)bū al-Ma‘ālī the … […]
- […] (our) t(eacher) and m(aster) Ḥalfōn ha-Levi the beloved Elder (who) r(ests in) E(den), in order that he would [have proof and a legal claim from this day]
- [for]ward that I acknowledge before you [completely that …]
- […]of Fusṭāṭ coinage, precise, of [good] weight […]
- [dina]rs, Fusṭāṭ coinage, of good weight […]
- [according to the l]aws of ‘isqa, under the rules of a commenda, and I have taken [upon myself …]
- […] and avoidance of betrayal. I will buy with this […]
- […] to Aden only. I will not go towards […]
- […] the profit will be (divided) between us according to that which he has included […]
- […] … for us as well, the Elder Abū al-Ma‘ālī […]
- […] … and I have given […]
CUL Or.1080 J137 1v