Letter: L-G Misc. 39
Letter L-G Misc. 39What's in the PGP
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Letter from a certain Yiṣḥaq to the Gaʾon Sar Shalom ha-Levi b. Moshe (active 1171–95 CE) and his deputy Shelomo. In Hebrew. The sender is a newcomer in the city (presumably Fustat) and complains about the lack of hospitality. He has been traveling for 3 years and left a wife and children suffering under the rule of the Christians (ערלים). He asks for money so that he can go and retrieve his family and from there go to Jerusalem. Verso contains three lines of text, probably the address of the note (it mentions Sar Shalom), crossed out. (Information in part from CUDL.)
L-G Misc. 39 1r

L-G Misc. 39 1v