Letter: CUL Or.1080 J57

Letter CUL Or.1080 J57

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Letter of recommendation for a cantor, preacher, and scholar Shemuel b. Yehosef, who had sojourned many years in Palestine, Syria, Baghdad, and Iraq and had seen the tombs of the saints and the places where the prophets had wrought miracles (קד אקאם סנין פי ארץ אלקדס ואלשאמאת ובאלבגדאד [וב]אלעראק וראי קברי אבות זכ לב ואתאר אלאנביא) and wanted now to proceed to . . . איה (where?). Five signature and the rest of a sixth visible: Shemuel b. Yehuda; Yehuda b. Yaʿaqov; Siman Ṭov b. Yaʿāqov; [...]ūn b. Nissim; ʿIwāḍ b. Yaʿāqov. (Information in part from Goitein's index card.)



CUL Or.1080 J57 1r


CUL Or.1080 J57 1v

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