Letter: T-S NS J121
Letter T-S NS J121What's in the PGP
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Recto (reuse): Letter from the fledgling cantor [...] b. Shelomo(?) al-Ḥalabī, in Malīj, to his mother, in Fustat (care of Hillel al-Fuqqāʿī in the druggists' market). In Judaeo-Arabic, with some unusual spellings. Dating: After ca. 1110 CE, based on the dating of the other side. The sender traveled from Fustat to Malīj, looking for a judge. He then went on to Shubrā, where he served as cantor, and then Damsīs, where he sang at a wedding. Now he has returned to Malīj. Greetings to family members and to his teacher the cantor. (Information in part from Goitein's note card.)
T-S NS J121 1r

T-S NS J121 1v