Scholarship on Legal document: T-S NS J74

Legal document T-S NS J74
  1. Bibliographic citation
    Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
    Location in source
    • Doc. 99
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
    • Digital Translation
  2. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • Discussion

T-S NS J74 1r

Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).


  1. חצר אפרים בר יעקב המדוע
  2. אלמוצלי ואברהם בר הבה אלדמשקי
  3. ועקדו [שר]כה פי //ד[כ]אן// צבאג וקבץ
  4. אברהים הדא תסעה עשר דינאר
  5. דהב ואזנה מן אפרים הדא ומדה 
  6. אלשרכה סנה יוזן אברהים הדא
  7. סבעה דנאניר וכמסה קראריט
  8. ואלכל תחת יד אברהים הדא סוא
  9.      מא עון אלדכאן אד הי לאפרים
  10. מן דון אברהים הדא והי 
  11.      תסעה כואבי
Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).


  1. Ephraim b. Jacob known as
  2. al-Mawṣilī, and Abraham b. Hiba al-Dimashqī came
  3. and contracted a partnership (shirka) in //a shop// for dyeing.
  4. This Ibrahīm received nineteen weighed gold dinars
  5. from this Ephraim. The term
  6. of the partnership (shirka) was a year. This Abraham weighed out
  7. seventeen dinars and five qirāṭs.
  8. The total was to be held in the possession of this Abraham, except for
  9. that which the shop (itself) brought in, since it is Ephraim’s
  10. separate from this Ibrahīm. It was
  11. nine …


  1. For Abraham’s maintenance, a dirham each day
  2. from the middle, whatever Ephraim does not take.
  3. Whatever there is in terms of profit of loss
  4. will be between them equally

T-S NS J74 1v



  1. [ולמוון] אברהים כל [יום] דרהם
  2. מן אלוסט מהמא אפירם מא אכד
  3. ומא כאן מן אלרבח ואלכסראן
  4. בינהם באלסוא
  5.           נוסיא
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