Legal document: T-S Ar.53.60
Legal document T-S Ar.53.60What's in the PGP
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Bill of sale in Arabic script. Dating: late 5th century AH/11th century CE. Abū ʿAlī Ḥassān b. Ibrahīm b. Azhar al-Ṣayrafī buys two ruins near al-Mamṣuṣa, on the east side of Qaṣr al-Shamʿ, and donates them (or a part of them) to Yūsuf b. Daʾūd. Contains a note of registration in a court archive. The buyer, Ḥassān ibn Ibrāhīm b. Azhar, is also the buyer in T-S Misc. 29.21 (Khan, ALAD, doc. 8), which is dated 480H on verso. There are also documents of partnership referring to him by his Hebrew name, Yefet b. Avraham b. Yaʾir, which also indicate that he worked in the government mint in the second half of the 5th/11th c; cf. Goitein, Med. Soc. I, 362; IV, 354, n. 104. (Information from Goitein’s index card and from Khan)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.53.60 1r

ثبت ولله الحمد والشكر
[بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده وكفى وسلامه عـ]ـلى عباده اللذين اصطفى
[هذا ما اشترى حسان ويكنى أبا على بن ابرهيم بن ازهر الاسرائيلي الصيرفي من اشترى منه صفقة واحدة وعقدا واحـ]ــدا جميع الدارى الخراب الواقفة المشهورتين (؟) اللتين ذكر هذا البائع أنهما له في ملكه ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في يده فمنهما
[الحد] الاول وهو القبلى ينتهى الى الطريق الشارع المسلوك منه الى الحارة المعروفة بسقيفة شعيرة والى الحارة المعروفة بالممصوصة والى سقيفة
[ ]سفل المسجد المعروف ببنى سوم وهو المسجد الذى فى الزقاق الضيق النافذ المسلوك [منه] الى الحارة المعروفة بالممصوصة والی مصاطب بنی سوم [ ]
[ ] .. والى الدار المعروفة بابن ابى المنير و عرفت بغيره وفيه يشرع باب ثاني لهذه الدار وعسكر لها من حقوقـ[ها ]... [ ]
[ ]ـو ... والى العرصة المذكورة في هذا الكتاب التي فيها القصران المذكوران وينتهى ايضا حدها الغربي [ ]
[ قا]عة سفل ذات مجلسين احدهما على يمنة من دخل من باب قاعتها ذو باب واحد ومقابل من دخل مجلس عرضى ايضا ذو [باب]
[ ] سطح [ ] النخلة والرخام المكسر قطع في حيطان صفافها وارض قاعتها [و]لها [حدو]د اربعة الحـ[ـد الاول وهو القلبى]
[ ] والزقاق الذى فيه والى دار بي عبيدة بن حسن الميازرى وغير ذلك من الطرق و [ ]
[ كل حق] هو لهما فيهما [داخل فيهما وكل] حق هو لهما خارج منهما و .[ ]
It has been registered, to God be praise and thanks.
[In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone, let him be sufficient for, and his peace be upon,] his servants, whom he has chosen.
[This is what Ḥassān, bearing the patronymic Abū ʿAlī, ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Azhar, the Jewish moneychanger, bought from …. He bought from him, with one clapping of the hands and one contract,] the entirety of the two well-known houses, standing ruins, that this seller stated belonged to him and were in his ownership, as a valid asset and a right with legal force in his possession. From them
[ … ] the first boundary, which is the southern, extends to the thoroughfare leading from it to the district known as Saqīfat Shaʿīra and to the district known as al-Mamṣūṣa and to Saqīfat
[ ………. ] lower [ … ] the mosque known by (the name of) Banī Sūm, this is the mosque in the narrow thoroughfare lane leading from it to the district known as al-Mamṣūṣa and the (public) benches of Banī Sūm [ … ]
[ … ] .. and to the house known by (the name of) Ibn Abī al-Munīr, which has been known by (the name of) other people. A second door of this house communicates with it (the boundary). It (the house) has a baywindow among its rights [ … ]
[ … ] ... and to the courtyard mentioned in this document, in which are found the two aforementioned out-houses. Its western boundary also extends [to ]
[ … ] a ground floor with two living rooms. One of them is on the right of anyone entering from the door of the ground floor and has one door. Facing anyone entering is a transverse living room, which also has [one door … ]
[ … ] roof [ … ], palm-tree and marble broken into pieces in the sides of its benches and the ground of its lower floor. It has four boundaries. The [first] boundary, [which is the southern … ]
[ … ] and the lane that is in it and to the house of Bū ʿUbayda ibn Ḥasan, the dealer in waist-cloths, and other roads [ … ]
[ … every right] belonging to them [within] and without [ … ]
[ … ].......... [ … ] an effective [sale], without condition [ … ]
[ … ] and this [ … [ … ]... [ … ]
T-S Ar.53.60 1v

In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone, let him be sufficient for, and his peace be upon, his servants, whom he has chosen.
Ḥassān, bearing the patronymic Abū ʿAlī, ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Azhar, the Jewish moneychanger, he being the buyer named on the recto, acknowledged in the presence of witnesses of this supplementary document
... [ … ] of sound mind and body, legally capable of conducting his affairs, acting voluntarily, not forced or coerced, that
[ … described] on the recto have left his ownership [and been transferred to the ownership of … ]. Their description on the recto has made it unnecessary to define them in this
[supplementary document … ] Yūsuf ibn Dāʾūd the Jew, the [ … ], with a valid receiving and a legal, effective and operative acquisition, by right
[ …] mentioned and defined in it [ … ] one hundred and eighty dinars and he received it
[ …] ….
[ …] ….
[ …] ….
[ …] ….