Letter: T-S 13J31.3

Letter T-S 13J31.3


Letter written on behalf of and signed by the Gaʾon Sar Shalom b. Moshe ha-Levi ("Head of the Yeshiva of Ereṣ ha-Ṣevi"). In Hebrew. Dating: Probably 1170–71 or 1173–95 (during Sar Shalom's tenures as Head of the Jews). Addressed to a dignitary named Moshe b. Ḥalfon ha-Kohen ("Chief of the Priests"). Sending greetings and asking that the addressee send him a prayer shawl. The addressee is in the habit of doing this whenever he returns safely from a commercial journey. (Information from CUDL.)

T-S 13J31.3 1r




T-S 13J31.3 1v

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