Letter: T-S 10J20.11

Letter T-S 10J20.11

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Letter to Eliyyahu the judge from a female(?) relative in Alexandria, complaining about his treatment of her family. Early 13th century. (Information from CUDL)



T-S 10J20.11 1r

Motzkin, "The Arabic Correspondence of Judge Elijah and his Family" (PhD diss., n.p., 1965), 2.


  1. I wish to inform the august elder, the chief, R. Elijah, may his glory be exalted and his honor increase, that

  2. we received your letter. Imagine, people everywhere knew

  3. about your courtesy before it was received by us! They knew about your happy events before I did. You act like this,

  4. and your son does, too. You wrote us in the letter and said "the merchandise is expensive

  5. merchandise;" you have no morals, no character and no manners. Is this a reward for your aunt, her mother

  6. and her father? You sent us one who hates me, you have caused me trouble through them.

  7.           ] to you the elders, Muqaddams, and judges; for you know the character

  8.              ] around us wealth. That was his place with them

  9.            ] if she did not withdraw from her until the [

  10.                  ] sold, and the judge saw, and witnesses gave testimony

  11.           ] with him according to their ability

T-S 10J20.11 1v



  1. in the lack of [        ] know the gift of God which has reached you ....

  2. your two boys whose fame is established in the assembly of the scholars.

  3. So tell her that her brother [is sending] her ........ knows what is in

  4. her heart. Be patient with her. Be as good to her

  5. as you would be even to strangers. Receive greetings as numerous as locusts.


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