Legal document: ENA 4010.25
Legal document ENA 4010.25What's in the PGP
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Legal deed, fragment. None of the main document is preserved, but two signatures are present: the cantor Yoshiyya b. Neḥemya and Sahlān b. Avraham. On verso there is a table of names in Arabic script. Each of the names is followed by a mark. The names include: Bunyām b. Mubārak, Furayj b. Isḥāq, Dāʾūd b. Yaʿaqūb, Hiba b. Asad, Ismāʿīl b. Ismāʿīl, Maḥfūẓ [...], Shabbāth(?) b. Ṣāliḥ, Zikrī b. Yūsuf, Furayj b. Hārūn.