Legal document: Moss. IV,19.1
Legal document Moss. IV,19.1What's in the PGP
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Legal document concerning a marriage contract, bridal gifts and rights to a property, mentioning the name Abū Saʿd. (Information from CUDL.) A general prenuptial agreement. The hand recalls the hand of Natan ha-Kohen b. Shelomo, but it is probably written by a different scribe. The document appears to be a draft, or a template for a prenuptial agreement, since it is missing important details, like the name of the bride. Similarly, the ending 'and peace' was common in letters and not in legal documents, and may suggest that the template was sent to one of the sides after they requested to preview it. It is also possible that a Rabbi or the conductor of the marriage sent it to a higher legal authority to obtain his approval.
Editor: Ashur, Amir
Moss. IV,19.1 1r
Amir Ashur, "Engagement and Betrothal Documents from the Cairo Geniza" (in Hebrew) (PhD diss., n.p., 2006).
- בש̇מ רח̇מ אלתופיק ביד אללה
- אלמקדם כמסה עשר אלמוכר
- כמסין מחקّקה אלנאמנות
- כאלמנהאג ואלכתבה מנאצפה
- ונצף אלדוירה אלדי פי תִגיב
- נצפהא מתנה ללצביה וסכן
- ואלדהא אלטבקה אלדי פוק סכנה
- אטלק להא סכנהא עשר סנין
- פאן אשתהא אבו סעד [א]לסכִן
- פיהא ואלא כאן לה יכריהא
- ומן עאד ען צאחבה כאן עליה
- נ כמסה דנאניר מתנה לצאחבה
- ושלום