Paraliterary text: Or. 1080 6.19

Paraliterary text Or. 1080 6.19



Amulet to heal Sa‘īda daughter of Sitt al-Ahl.

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Shaul Shaked and Joseph Naveh, Magic spells and formulae: Aramaic incantations of late antiquity (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1993).

  1. In the name of He who is merciful and full of pity, forbearing, smiting

  2. and healing, we shall act and succeed. “I have waited for your salvation, O Lord” (Gen. 49:18).

  3. “God, God. Elohim, merciful and gracious, long-suffering

  4. and abundant in goodness and truth” (Ex. 34:6). By your name, El Elohim,

  5. the great, the mighty, and the fearsome God. By the name of Michael,

  6. by the name of Raphael, by the name of Gabriel,

  7. who are the messengers and the confidants of the living

  8. God, the master of the whole world, and in the name of Ra‘miel,

  9. and in the name of Paniel. They will remove the evil

  10. spirit and the eye of the people and the envious eye,

  11. and gaze <from> Sa‘īda daughter of Sitt al-Ahl. In the name of

  12. (1:12-13) these characters (combinations of characters). You holy characters

  14. and praised angels. Heal every one who will wear

  15. this (piece of) writing. May be removed from him all spirit,

  16. harmful spirits, evil gaze, any evil eye,

  17. the eye of all creatures, any evil pain that is in him,

  18. and any evil thing that is in the world of WHWH

  19. Sabaoth, with Sa‘īda

  20. daughter of Sitt al-[Ahl]. “The God of Jacob is her refuge

  21. Selah” (Ps. 46:8). May there be healing from heaven to Sa‘īda

  22. daughter of Sitt al-Ahl, in the two hundred and forty

  23. eight limbs of her body, from the sole of her foot to

  24. the skull, now, fast. I adjure you,

  25. the body, whose name is The Spirits at Night (?). In the name of

  26. El El El Elohim, YHWH Sabaoth

  27. Sabaoth Saba[oth, heal] Sa‘īda

  28. daughter of Sitt al-Ahl. In the name of El Qana, El Qana, El Qana,

  29. who appeared to Moses in the bush, that you may move away from Sa‘īda

  30. daughter of Sitt al-Ahl YHY YHY

  31. YHY (repeated several times)

  32. BYH BYH Sabaoth…

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  1. holy and fearsome, (and) at the head God, king,

  2. living and existent. May you chase away every spirit and demon

  3. and blast demon and destroyer and fever and pain and shivering (?) from

  4. Sa‘īda daughter of Sitt al-Ahl and from

  5. the limbs that are in her. In the name of the

  6. exalted and trustworthy God, Amen, Amen, Amen, Selah. In the name of Shaddai Sabaoth Yah Ah Ehye El Elohim (repeated three times, followed by several combinations of letters)

  7. healing to Sa‘īda daughter of Sitt al-Ahl. In the name of Ḥanan’el

  8. the angel, and in the name of Michael the great prince,

  9. Sakhmuel, Ṭamiel, Qantiur, Qantiur.

  10. Give healing to Sa‘īda d. of Sitt al-Ahl

  11. and may she be healed from every pain and affliction, Amen Selah.

  12. (magic symbols)

  13. (magic symbols). In the name of you, Ṭamiel,

  14. I invoke the angel who is appointed over

  15. headache and body-ache that he may send healing

  16. to Sa‘īda daughter of Sitt al-Ahl. And you, praised symbols,

  17. angels and qeṭirayyā, (I) request of you,

  18. [save] Sa‘īda daughter of Sitt al-Ahl from all

  19. pain, affliction and suffe[ring in her bo]dy…Amen, Amen, Amen

  20. Selah Hallelujah.

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