State document: JTS Krengel 110

State document JTS Krengel 110


Fiscal document(s) in Arabic script. The document on verso is headed "Dīwān al-Khāṣṣ al-Saʿīd." This is followed by various sums of money. The text block underneath elucidates: "min māl thaghr al-Iskandariyya ḥamāhu Allāh taʿālā bi-mushārafat al-qāḍī al-[...] al-makīn amīn(?) al-mulk ʿizz al-quḍāt..." Dated: 531 AH = 1136/37 CE. The document on recto also refers to al-Muḥarram of the same year. Merits further examination.