Letter: T-S 8J39.1

Letter T-S 8J39.1

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Letter from Natan b. Mevorakh ha-Kohen, in Ashqelon, to the parnas ʿAllūn b. Yaʿīsh. Written in both Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic. Contains a request to intercede on behalf of two men with the exilarch David b. Daniel (ca. 1082–94), and to convey their acknowledgements and thanks for his favors. (Information in part from Cohen, Jewish Self-Government, pp. 207, 321.) NB: A previous description indicated that this letter is written in the top margin of an earlier letter in Arabic script, all of which is now lost except for the basmala and part of the address in the top right corner, referring to al-firnās al-jalīl. However, it is more likely that everything here belongs to a single letter, and the part that was understood to be the 'address' is actually the end of the first line of the letter.



T-S 8J39.1 1r

S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.


  1. بسم الله] الرحمن الرحيم
  2. ] الفرناس الجليل

Recto, upper margin:

  1. ומר מבשר סגלת הקהל ומ הלל הלוי זקן הקהל
  2. ישמרם צורם יכצא מולאי וולדה נטרינון
  3. רח באתם אלסלם ויסאלא תפצלה
  4. חסן אלניאבה ענהמא ענד הדרת
  5. אדונינו ראש הגולה נט רח ואשעארה
  6. באעתדאדהם במא קלדתהמא
  7. מן אלמון ושכרהמא לאנעמהא
  8. פי דלך ועקב שלום
  9. ורחמים

T-S 8J39.1 1v


Verso, address:

  1. حضرة مولاي الشيخ ابي الحسن علون الفرناس הכהן נאמן בית דין
  2. צורו ישמרו
  3. بن يعيش
  4. شاكر تفضلـ]ـها [
  5. . . . اد]ام الله عزها [
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  • T-S 8J39.1: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.