State document: Moss. III,207

State document Moss. III,207



Verso: State document, Fatimid, in Arabic script. Mentions the death of one of the policemen of the vizier's ship (al-mutawaffī min al-raqqāṣīn al-mustakhdama bi-rasm markab al-wazāra al-maḥrūs). Dating: mentions Dhū l-Ḥijja 454 AH = December 1062 / January 1063 CE. The vizier in office during that time and whose ship is mentioned in the document could be Abū ʿAbdallāh al-Ḥusayn b. Sadīd al-Dawla Dhū l-Kifāyatayn (See Ibn al-Ṣayrafī: al-Ishāra ilā man nāla l-wazāra, 49). Needs examination. Reused on recto for a Judaeo-Arabic literary text (grammatical?) citing biblical verses in Hebrew. The scribe appears to be the same who reused ENA 3728.10 + ENA 3728.9 (PGPID 30834), who was a serial recycler.

Moss. III,207 verso



Yusuf Umrethwala and Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).
  1. عبده

  2. امتثل ما امر به ووجد المتوفي من الرقاصين

  3. المستخدمة برسم مركب الوزارة المحروس 

  4. واحد قصر مشاهرته على هذه الخدمة ما وجب

  5. لذي الحجة سنة اربع وخمسين واربع مائة وتاخر بعد ذلك عن الحضور

  6. ولما علمت وفاته من هذه الرقعة ودفع ما كان يقبضه
