Letter: DK 172

Letter DK 172



Family letter addressed to Moshe b. Yehuda known as Ibn Abī Kharrūba, in Palermo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th century. The letter was written by one of Moshe's siblings-in-law in Fustat, to be sent to their sister (Moshe's wife). "I also inform you, O my sister, that your brother Barakāt arrived safely in Fustat... staying here, and we have spent 10 dinars on him. Do not cut off your news from me or... from your brother Barakāt, for our hearts are relieved whenever we receive news from you... and that you are in health. I and my mother pray for the elder your father-in-law day and night... the fire is in my heart on account of my separation from you... I wish to travel to you, but my mother does not allow me, for she has no one (but me)... your maternal uncle Musallam asks after you, and your maternal uncle Abū l-Faraj as well... and your maternal aunt sends her greetings and adjures you to tell your (other) maternal aunt to send her a letter of her own... to make her happy... I heard that you sent a letter to Alexandria, but it was lost and never arrived.... Abū l-Khayr sends his greetings, and your brother Barakāt, and your maternal uncle Musallam, and your maternal uncle Abū l-Faraj... I greet you and your husband Mūsā and your sons Abū Isḥāq and his brother and your daughter Sitt al-Kull and your father-in-law and your maternal aunt." Reused on verso for Hebrew literary/liturgical text. ASE