Letter: T-S AS 209.324

Letter T-S AS 209.324


Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with one line of the address on verso. Very fragmentary: "...and may he open his eyes... from the blindness... never before seen, from the... the greed and [...]... the bodies and the religions (?אלאבדאן ואלאדיאן)... from turning back (? radʿ) her slaves(?)... and if he makes an excuse (/gives promissory notes? fa-idhā iḥtajja bi-ḥujja)... and if not, leave him alone, and yours is... and act in accordance with your wisdom (cf. 1 Kings 2:6)... empty excuses/promissory notes... I have requested (? אלתמת for אלתמסת, probably) of you... do it, and the matter... with witnesses... with the impossible (bi-l-muḥāl)... your meeting with the elder...." On verso there is also another text in Judaeo-Arabic in different handwriting; too faded to read. The content is similar to the letters of Manṣūr b. Sālim, but the handwriting seems different (but even so there are some intriguing resemblances to Manṣūr's handwriting). ASE